Hi, I am developing a plugin by OpenNURBS in Rhino 6.
I have cuts which is a list of vertex indices from the raw mesh, and I want cut the mesh by those vertices.
Those vertices are supposed to be duplicated for generating the cutted mesh.
I’m try to implement it by OpenNURBS, but it’s bit hard for a rhino newbiee.
Is there any API support or can someone give me a code example? It would help me a lot!
(Dale Fugier)
Hi @Liu2,
Is there a Rhino command that does what you want?
– Dale
Hi Dale,
I want cut a mesh with given boundary vertex,
what I did contains follow steps:
- pick two vertex on boundary (top and bottom).
- build a shortest path between those two vertex.
- cut this mesh along above path.
It remains me only last steps, could you please give any advice to my whole pipline?