Usually you can get better results on Guides and stuff searching the internet(aka Youtube) or even Udemy,
People here in the forums usually answer better for questions and doubts after you already tried to make something, instead f the usual “Help me with my homework” kinda of post.
But I am sure someone with more experience than me will show up to give a more detailed answer, I am only trying to help pointing some directions.
Thank you very much altamiro for kind response.
Thanks for this YouTube surfacing series, I have last month watched it full.
Thanks for letting me know about other plugins.
Yes well I have tried already over this design and I produced stations and trying to do control points nudging to reach to curvy hull shape, but control point adjustment takes quite lot of time and eye efforts & I don’t feel confident with control point adjustment to produce correct hull shape
I am just looking for idea from anyone who already have experience in hull design or Offcourse high class surfacing
I am not sure if you do hull stuffs, so if you see this yacht, it’s hull is not easy, it needs probably quite good effort to produce such beautiful curvy hull design.
DevSrf creates developable surfaces between two curves. Developable surfaces are desirable or needed for some types of construction with plywood or metal. The sides of the hull in the photos is not developable, particularly the forward area with the flair.
The “Hull Assistant” in Orca3D creates a hull based on a number of parameters the user inputs. It does not use pre-existing curves as input.
@tumulpurwar How closely does the hull side need to match these curves? Is there a defined tolerance, does it need to match major dimensions and look the same, or ??? The answer to this question strongly influences how the design can be approached.
it doesnot need to be matched david, but it should look same like the yacht in photo with correct curves.(its mulder favuorite 1500 yacht)
what i have is deck lines and sheer and chine sketches, but i found its not possible to produce such curvy surface with them alone,may be i need sections,and later i produced kind of sections but its complicate to produce such accuracy playing with control points.
offcourse the given sketches(sheer, chine must meet,it is 16,95 meter 5,5 meter yacht)
Please let me know your procedure
you are right that:it looks the hull is not developable.
i am even not sure what other procedure is there, if it is not developable than what is procedure to manufacture such hull shells
Fiberglass/composite: A male “plug” is built using wood and/or foam with the same shape as the hull. Exact method of building the plug depends on the equipment available and skills of the builders, which can include CNC cutting the shape in blocks of foam and assembling the blocks, or building in wood using the wood methods described below. The plug is faired and smoothed. A female mold is created by laying up fiberglass over the plug. The plug is removed from the mold. Hulls are then laid up in the mold.
well this yacht is of aluminium material,is it possible to produce such shell surface of hull for aluminium material, dont be such hull non developable.
from inside of yacht,in fore area hull look like this in photo
Yes. A framework is built and panels are welded in place to form the outer surface. where the surface has compound curvature the panels are shaped by very skilled craftsman using tools such as English wheels and power hammers.
but if i wanna produce such hull in rhino,what shld be the procedure?
do i need play with section liines which i already produced to create such curves.As you see in forepart hull has shallow shape(more negative gaussian) and slowly as we progress aft hull surface get more outward( positive gaussian value).
this video link shows more beautifully this hull shape
Start with the sheer and chine curves. I would extend the sheer curve to provide a vertical “transom” and, trim the resulting surface and create the rounded stern quarters and transom separately.
Add a few sections to provide initial shape. Perhaps stem, forward flare, midships and stern. Five or six control points, degree 3 should be sufficient for the hull sides shown in the attachments.
Sweep2 to create an initial surface.
If the initial surface does not have the general desired shape then adjust, move and/or add sections.
An alternative Sweep2 is NetworkSrf. Rebuild the resulting surface to the minimum number of control points needed, particularly in the “vertical” direction; 5 or 6 should be sufficient for this shape hull.
Rebuild or RebuildUV ito reduce the number of control points to the minimum needed to define the shape.
Consider using RemoveKnot to reduce the number of control points in areas where the surface changes slowly.
Make a copy of the surface. Adjust the surface by moving control points of the copy. Reason for the copy - it makes it easy to start over moving control points if you don’t like the results.
Most elaborate curvy shapes where surface quality really matter are made through simple brute-force point-editing. That’s how iPhones are made, that’s now cars are made. It’s not hard at all to get really good precision, not compared to messing around with sections. One trick is that you can use projection or intersection curves with history on to give you feeback on see how your hull stations are lining up.
Surface created in less than an hour using the method described above. I would not consider this as ready for release for a critical application, but reasonable for an initial surface.HullEx19Oct21.3dm (3.3 MB)