Curves above Objects become hidden

I can’t seem to figure out what’s happening here. Any curve that overlaps a geometry on my viewport becomes hidden on the Shaded view. Meanwhile, changing the display mode to Arctic shows another weird behavior. Curves go through Polysurfaces on Arctic view similar to a wireframe viewport.

I’ve reset all display modes to default and the issue still happens. I also tried copying the geometries to a new file and the display issue still occurs.

Sample File:
Curve Displaymode Issue.3dm (2.3 MB)

Shaded View

Arctic View

What could be causing this? Thanks!

Edit: Added a sample file

Is your geometry far away from the origin? This can sometimes cause display issues like this.

No, the curves are either coplanar or above the objects by a few millimeters.

Hi Thomas - I do not get this effect here, but the curves do have draw order applied - it might be that ClearDrawOrder first, then, if needed, apply BringToFront etc will sort things out.


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Hi Pascal, thank you for mentioning the draw order. I accidentally applied BringToFront sometime before which caused the curves to go through geometries.

ClearDrawOrder fixed the issue.

Thank you so much. I’ve been bothered by this since yesterday.