For the design of a yacht I want to draw a round sliding door on the aft deck. I connected the horizontal and vertical parts with boolean. But when I want to apply a radius I get this. Does anyone have a solution for this? Thanks!
fillets dont like interruptions, you face is split at this point
your solution is either merge the faces with MergeAllCoplanarFaces, or if you need that split you can use your current result and use loft on both ends of the radius with match start end end tangent then trim the edge off with the resulting surface for a smooth fillet.
or if you prefer the hard fillets the fillet edge produces in that case, explode all the surfaces and use ConnectSrf with both incomplete fillets then trim the edge off and join it back together.
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better to start with a box and wirecut the inside.
sliding door jgh.3dm (322.1 KB)
best regards
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Thank you very much. Didn’t know this command but it did the job so I’m very grateful for your quick response!