Curve to Poly (Convert) bug with min. edge input?


I am comparing the result of Curve to Poly with the Rhino native Convert command. With just the angle and distance tolerance inputs connected, with the same values I get the same results As Rhino V5. The Rhino V6 WIP Convert command gives me more points than V5 in the attached example, not sure why yet, but that’s not the main issue here.

The main problem is when I connect the E- min edge length input. GH goes bananas with the segments in both V5 and V6 WIP. In the attached example, the point count goes from 113 to 3128! The regular Rhino Convert command doesn’t change the point count because all the segments are already over 0.5 units.

Known bug with this component? Seems like it is mistaking E- for E+ max. edge length, as connecting the slider to E+ gives the same result…


GHConvertTest.3dm (239.4 KB) (6.1 KB)