Curve offset Problem - Boolean diff problem (13.2 KB)

New to grasshopper here, so it may be something absolutely obvious.
I am running into two distinct issues with the posted code.

First, it seems that the offset curve applied to the list of polylines curves from Voronoi has always one or a few failing :

Second, I dont understand the behaviour of the solid difference node.
I enter with one solid in A and a list of n brep in B. I expect to obtain one solid with n holes in it and I get n solids with one hole in them.

If someone can point me in a good direction regarding these issues


Look at the segment lengths of the failing curves…

A distance of -1 works but anything larger creates problems due to short segments in the corners.

You will have to rebuild the curves or maybe use clipper to do the offsets.

Regarding your tree structure on the Solid difference, you need to flatten the B input to achieve the desired result. (16.9 KB)


Regarding the second issue, I was suspecting something like that but I wasn’t able to figure it out. I still have to grasp the basics of the tree structure.

Regarding the offsett, I notice that it fails pas a certain value. What is strange is that if I bake the voronoi cells, Rhino can offset the polyline with any value without a problem.

Grasshopper is different.