I’m getting abnormal display behavior for Curves in Rhino 6 (6.2.18051.9541, 2018-02-20, Service Release Candidate).
Using the CurveThroughPt command, prior to accepting settings, the polyline looks like it should:
But after accepting, it displays incorrectly:
The cv points are still right, though. Here’s a shot with _PointsOn:
Some notes:
- Bizarrely enough, the bug seems to be related to distance from origin. The same polyline looks normal when moved to [0,0,0].
- The bug occurs no matter the curve degree or whether it’s created manually or using CurveThroughPt.
- The same behavior was present in Rhino 6.1. I updated to the SRC build hoping to squash it.
I would appreciate any insight you guys can give. System info and point file below.
Rhino 6 SR2 2018-2-20 (Rhino 6, 6.2.18051.9541, Git hash:master @ d28970d81ec7efe09d862abd9cb5f2cbc9878507)
Windows 10.0 SR0.0 or greater (Physical RAM: 16Gb)
GeForce GTX 1050/PCIe/SSE2 (OpenGL ver:4.6.0 NVIDIA 390.77)
OpenGL Settings
Safe mode: Off
Use accelerated hardware modes: On
Redraw scene when viewports are exposed: On
Anti-alias mode: 8x
Mip Map Filtering: Linear
Anisotropic Filtering Mode: Height
Vendor Name: NVIDIA Corporation
Render version: 4.6
Shading Language: 4.60 NVIDIA
Driver Date: NA
Driver Version: NA
Maximum Texture size: 32768 x 32768
Z-Buffer depth: 24 bits
Maximum Viewport size: 32768 x 32768
Total Video Memory: 128 MB
C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\Commands.rhp “Commands”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\WebBrowser.rhp “WebBrowser”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\rdk.rhp “Renderer Development Kit”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\RhinoScript.rhp “RhinoScript”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\IdleProcessor.rhp “IdleProcessor”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\RhinoRender.rhp “Rhino Render”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\rdk_etoui.rhp “RDK_EtoUI”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\rdk_ui.rhp “Renderer Development Kit UI”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\NamedSnapshots.rhp “Snapshots”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\Alerter.rhp “Alerter”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\IronPython\RhinoDLR_Python.rhp “IronPython”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\RhinoCycles.rhp “RhinoCycles”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\Toolbars\Toolbars.rhp “Toolbars”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\3dxrhino.rhp “3Dconnexion 3D Mouse”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\Displacement.rhp “Displacement”
Curve Display Bug.3dm (64.1 KB)