Curvature analysis unit?

The “mean curvature” displayed by the CurvatureAnalysis command is always non-negative. The command line report for the command decribes it as “unsigned”. It appears to be the absolute value of the mathematical mean curvature. If it is zero then the surface at that point is either flat or a “minimal surface” which is “saddle like”.

The “mean curvature” reported at a point in the command line by the Curvature command is signed. If it is zero then the surface at that point is either flat or a “minimal surface” which is “saddle like” at the point analyzed. If it is positive then the surface will be concave when viewed from the side the surface normal is pointing to or “saddle like” at the point analyzed at the point analyzed, If it is negative then it will either be convex when viewed from the side the surface normal is pointing to or “saddle like” at the point analyzed.

Edited with correction
