Cull data at once

I have eight data trees and eight numeric values. I want to delete the data in the order of smallest numbers. Series components are used, but i couldn’t delete data at the same time, but are deleted one by one. Is there a way to delete data according to series count number? (19.3 KB)

For several reasons, the cull pattern created with Sort and Series doesn’t make any sense to me. If your goal is to leave out one curve area #1 ?

It’s better to just remove that curve from the InCurve ‘C’ input, like this: (22.6 KB)

You might want to look at my data tree tools described here:


if you want to cull tree branches sort of like using Cull Pattern you could do something like this: (21.5 KB)

didn’t fully understand the logic behind the culling pattern generation tho :slight_smile:

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Especially because the output of Series is only a single value: 0.

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Thank you all for your help. I have some site boundaries and each land price data. Is there a way to cull the two(or 3, 4, 5, …) smallest numbers of data at the same time?

not very clear what you’re trying to get Sir…

this culls the n (slider) cheapest branches, branches are first sorted by price
the numbering you see is the original order of the branches, not the one you get after sorting them by price (18.8 KB)

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You can specify a range: (22.9 KB)

If you want the inverse, right-click the Cull ‘P’ input and click ‘Invert’.

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It must have been hard to understand because of my poor English, but thank you so much for your help. Both ways were really good. I learned a lot.

@inno’s method applied to the list of curves, without Tree Statistics. (22.0 KB)

The answer you get depends on how you ask the question.

By the way, why the grid of small SubSrf fragments?

Thank you so much!
I’m thinking about reducing pixels in various ways.

It’s easy if you drop the grid of small surface fragments: (17.5 KB)

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