TAB_0: Is it possible somehow to find the DockBar with Rhinoceros tab (Layer, properties…) and integrate my TAB_0 in it.
TAB_1: Is it possible to place the DockBar under another one (when both docked to the right). I think I found that it’s impossible for now. But still want to clarify (Position dockbars)
I wrote this function as an example of how to display a custom panel in the same dock bar another panel:
static void OpenPanelInDockBarWithOtherPanel(CRhinoDoc& doc, const ON_UUID& panelToOpen, const ON_UUID& otherPanel, bool makeSelectedPanel)
// Make sure the other panel is open first
CRhinoTabbedDockBarDialog::OpenDockbarTab(doc, otherPanel, false);
// Get the dock bar containing the other panel
CRhinoUiDockBar* bar = CRhinoTabbedDockBarDialog::DockBarForTab(doc, otherPanel);
// Open the panel in the same dock bar as the other panel
CRhinoTabbedDockBarDialog::OpenTabOnDockBar(bar, doc, panelToOpen, makeSelectedPanel);
The following call will display a sample panel in the same container as the Rhino layers panel: