Hello everyone, im kinda newish to grasshopper and I have some kind of problem trying to recreate an emergent system on my model, I used some agents to create my grid and I only want some of the bases to extrude so I can form some towers. But when I used the system it generates a lot of volumes just like its shown in the picture, and I really just want 7 of them, like the ones I manually created on the second one. Can someone orientate me please? I
5-5 Systems.gh (40.3 KB) would really apreciate it!
Maybe you’re thinking of Region Union and cull by area?
5-5 Systems_2021Feb20a.gh (47.3 KB)
Yeahhh I just tried it thank you soo much!
I have another question, sorry to bother! But does somebody know why when I want to use the component plane surface, my surface appears overlapping? Instead of making one single surface?
Images alone (especially icons) are almost useless, posting the GH file might help.
It looks like some of your curves are not internalized?
5-5 Systems.gh (43.3 KB)
im so sorry i didnt notice
OK, I guess you are referring to this part of the canvas?
The ‘P’ (Plane) input of PlaneSrf defaults to World XY so all 12 surfaces are created at the origin, overlapped with each other. What are you trying to do here? You already have the faces of the Loft from SubCrv so what’s the point?
It looks like you are exploring without much understanding or any specific goal?
I’m trying to create a single surface out of the 12 separate surfaces, so that I can populate the geometry and then add voronois by the center on each point created.
Oh dear… You can’t make a single surface from 12 faces. You can use PopGeo (Populate Geometry) to put random points on the lofted polysurface and then apply Voronoi³ (Voronoi 3D) to that:
I’m not very interested anymore in Voronoi so maybe someone else can help you further. Ciao.