Creating a triangular mesh from a closed crow

Hello everyone,

I would like to create a special triangular mesh from any shape.
I would like this mesh to be equilateral triangles of known dimensions? Has anyone ever done anything like that?

Thank you in advance for your help

Hi @Parent,

Can you post an image of what you are trying to achieve?


– Dale

Hi @dale ,

Yes sure !

The goal would be to start from any shape and fill it with triangles (equilateral) of some imposed dimensions


Hi Michael - what do you want to happen at the edges?


Hi @pascal,

The goal is to recover all the interception points afterwards so it doesn’t matter if triangles are not finished on the sides of the mesh.


What do you mean with ‘closed crow’?

Well, if it’s a mesh, they have to be “finished”. You can’t have round edges on a mesh, like on your sketch. The polygons have to “end” in a straight line; or the mesh can be oversized and the organic
outline you show can be a curve. But… as soon as you cut/trim the mesh with that curve, it’ll subdivide the mesh near the edges. Or are you using the word “mesh” for something other than a polygon mesh?
HTH, Jakob

Left is before MeshSplit, right is after:

In reality, the goal would be to create the pattern with the triangles on a wide area and remove everything outside the defined area (any shape) as you have done in the left figure.
Can you explain how you do this ?

Dunno, this is kind of a hack, but… (21.3 KB)

Hi @Parent
First it’s just a simple MeshPlane, then TriangulateMesh to, well, triangulate the mesh. The curve is a simple InterpCrv and then use MeshSplit to split the mesh. You can of course scale and shear the mesh plane to fit your exact, required measurements. Although you don’t see it, beware that splitting the mesh does subdivide the edge - just in case you need to do further operations on it. You can see what I mean, if you run TriangulateMesh again on the resulting mesh.
HTH, Jakob