Creating a pixelated floor tile for pedestrian paths

Hi everyone!

I need to create pedestrian paths on the floor with both a gradient and the pixel effect. I would like to get a result as the picture I have attached. The resulting grid or division of the surface has to have squares with sides of 0,40m. I want to use points and curves to generate the gradient and those pixels have to have a maximum and minimum size (0,40m-0,35m-0,30m-0,25m-0,20m).
I did a definition but I have 3 problems:

1_I began with the component square, but I need to use different surfaces like the polygon I have attached in the grasshopper file.
2_I used the component Rectangle to get the “pixels”, but all squares are generated in one corner, not in the center of points.
3_I cannot set the size of the pixels and control the maximum and minimum dimension.

Thanks in advance!
Pixelated floor (10.7 KB)

Some ideas here (except you would want the inverse relationship with the attractor curve, i.e. the curve represents the solid ped path with fall-off criteria):