Creating 3D obj from 2D picture

I made a set of Maleficent horns from an .STL file for Halloween. When watching how the guy modeled them, I was blown away by how ‘easy it seemed’. He created a cone, then traced the horn out from an image, while creating the model at the same time. That sounds confusing, I know. I’m trying to find a modeling program that will let me model 2D to 3D, and I’m new to Rhino, so any help would be GREATLY appreciated :smile:

Here’s the video he made: Maleficent Horns

The User’s Guide (Learn page Rhino Web site) included a tutorial called Trace Images where you work between plan and side images of a dragonfly insect and model a 3D version of it.

The UG tutorials are progressive so don’t start with it as you’ll just be lost.
Generally, each tutorial builds on skill learned in the previous one.

Thank you!! As long as I know it can be done with this software, I’ll stay with it and learn it. Just didn’t want to waste my time.

Thanks again :slight_smile: