Create Multiple Layouts Individually Named

I;m working on a project which has 18 individual objects which all need detailing using make 2d so the factory can fabricate each individual piece. My question is this- is there a way to add 18 layout pages in one hit ? As each individual layout needs its own drawing number is there a way to add these more efficiently than painfully going through adding each page, naming the layout one by one, its something I do a lot and it just feels a painfully slow way of adding and managing layout pages :man_shrugging:t4:, tia for any tips or help

Hello- this might help - (10.3 KB)

To use the Python script use RunPythonScript, or a macro:

_-RunPythonScript "Full path to py file inside double-quotes"


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Hi @pascal Pascal, this nearly does it, I can’t seem to alter the page size, I generally use A3 landscape, so 420 width x 297 height. If I try and change the size nothing changes the default size you have put in ?

@milezee - updated above… lemme know…


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@pascal I think thats pretty close to what I need, works fine, thanks for your assistance with this

:+1:t4: :beers: