Looking to create this weave pattern, then turn it into a solid so it can be sliced and printed.
attached is my attempt, but its far from complete
Please help, thanks!
weaved surface.gh (33.5 KB)
Looking to create this weave pattern, then turn it into a solid so it can be sliced and printed.
attached is my attempt, but its far from complete
Please help, thanks!
weaved surface.gh (33.5 KB)
@magicteddy Thank you very much, this is definitely the correct pattern … I’m looking to develop something surface based, so I can generate the pattern along a predefined shape…any ideas?
Trim this pattern by a rectangular surface, then Sporph
it along your target surface ?
Your GH file doesn’t have internalized geometry so I can’t see your goal surface.
weaved surface.gh (27.9 KB)
Here’s the internalized data … for now its simply a flat vertical surface, but in the future it could be bigger, smaller wavy or curved.