Create clones of an object that could be updated in realtime in Rhino?

I’m making very simple geometric shapes.
I create a curve and revolve it.
In this case, there are four different shapes that I want to move to five different locations and stack in different order.
I wish to be able to update all the shapes when I change the revolved curve.

Earlier I solved similar problems by nesting instances, which is very time-consuming.
But after I discovered the Record History function, things have become a bit easier.

One problem with Record history is that you can’t just move things to where you want them, because then you break the chain of history. But you Can mirror them to wherever you want.
If I would like to move the whole “package” as is, then that is possible. I just draw a line from my original to the place where I want the copy and mirror it perpendicular to the midpoint of the curve.
However, since I want to stack them on top of each other in a different order, it becomes more complex to achieve.
I just wanted to check if there has been a development that I’m not aware of, or if someone has a better solution before I get lost in the mirror game.

I am not able to use Grasshopper, or Python.

Hi, have you tried _Copy with history recording enabled ?


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YES! That’s it!
I failed with the gumball, arrow, and the Move tool.
Who would have thought that there was a difference?! Not me, apparently.
(I realized it’s possible to Array them too. If anyone reads this in the future.)
But your way is just so good and convenient.

Problem solved! And so fast! :-))
Thank you Clement!

Hi Jan - dependoing on what your goal is, just keep in mind that these are copies of an original - you only get updating if you modify the original object(s). Some concepts of ‘cloning’ allow, I think, modifying any of the copies to update all, but Rhino history does not support that.

All transitions, Move, Rotate, Copy, need to create a copy of the object.
And you have to keep All the copies of the objects in the chain, otherwise, the chain will be broken, and the following objects will not be updated by the first object.
But it works perfectly well to hide the copies that you don’t need. For instance, if you rotated or mirrored an object and don’t want the un-transformed object.
But these limitations I could work with.