September 22, 2023, 9:33am
I need help to create a cylinder form wich will fit into a spirale.
I want that the form follows the points and fit if I change the shape of the spirale.
I tried mesh but it tells me that there is no enough points and I don’t find how to add some.
Someone have an idea ?
Thank you !
Please upload a file of what you have so far.
September 22, 2023, 9:39am
Here is the file !
20_09 test spirale.gh (13.5 KB)
Sounds more like a cone than a cylinder?
1 Like
September 22, 2023, 9:43am
Yes, true. In fact i just want the form create by the point inside the spirale
By the way, spiral ramps have been done many times on this forum. Here are a few of my efforts:
These are steps but a ramp of constant slope is hidden in there somewhere.
That code was revised and corrected two years later in the same thread .
Yes, it’s unfortunate that a center point is not defined and the two curves are not parametric. I replaced loft/sweep with RevSrf (yellow group).
I adapted code from the first link I posted. The ramp shown is the maximum slope allowed by ADA standards. The ‘Rise’ and ‘Run’ numbers also affect the precision of this model, as you can see by enabling preview of the PLine component before Loft. Decreasing the ‘Rise’ value will decrease the slope and make more turns.
[Spiral inside loft_2023Fe…
I adapted code I posted here:
By replacing the purple group (base shape) with the cyan group. Turning these steps into a ramp is easy.
Spiral_Stair_Cone_2021Dec19a.gh (31.2 KB)
P.S. It was only after I implemented a ramp that I realized there is a ramp in the old code with preview disabled. The ‘riser’ and ‘tread’ sliders affect the steepness of the ramp, just as if there were stairs.
September 22, 2023, 11:16am
ow ok, I made a research before posting and watch the proposal made by the forum with similar title, but i didn’t find this one. Thank you! I’m going to look at that!