Corona Virus - CAD+3D Printers useful in times of trouble

High uptime is important yes. I also started thinking that if there’s some easily available blowers with just that, high uptime, but with too high pressure or flow for one patient, one could perhaps feed multiple ventilators with one device?

I assume (but do not know how they are built) that ventilator input & output are separate, so that the breath-output doesn’t mix with the input flow.

@ivelin.peychev. Please let solution-seeking people deal with the constructive side of this discussion. Computer fans may or may not be useful for this purpose but heat is what computer fans are built to withstand and evacuate.

I just discussed the small fan scenario with an combustion engine engineer (fuel and exhaust systems at “one of Sweden’s major truck manufacturer”) and he confirmed that serial-connected and parallel connected small fan’s will do just that, increase pressure and flow respectively. Bundle them with duct tape of nothing better is at hand. Or melted glue. Anyway, testing it will settle the matter.

People with other constructive ideas are welcome to join the discussion. I wish I was an electro-mechanical engineer so I could get this thing fixed with less talking, but the world is full of bold people who know’s how its done, if they just get some input which can get them started.

// Rolf

“There’s Always a Solution” (-- Me)

Regarding that picture I would focus on the most silent solution possible. If like one pneumatic pump could drive multiple stations mechanically then I think you are close to a durable, silent and expandable pressure/vacuum pump that should be fast to build with off shelf parts and not too pricy either. Key I guess is to be able to adjust volume and frequency of the breathing.

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Also basic filters should be available in abundance, like HEPA filters for vacuum cleaners, Air Cleaners and Air Conditioners.

When it gets bad, and it will in different places, I don’t think prices will be the big problem. Useful hardware perhaps is the trickiest to find and combine.

BTW, can respirator “tents” be built from (building) construction plastics? Available “everywhere” Etc.

// Rolf

“There’s Always a Solution” – Me

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Lol ok then :rofl:

Hey @RIL,

Do I recall you work with people who design medical equipment? Do you have access to people with knowledge and expertise in this field?

'Cos at the moment this is looking like a solution looking for a problem. This is not a subject for a poke and hope approach. Let’s start with a list of requirements, not from a software engineer, not from a surfacing expert, not from a naval architect but from a medical expert with expertise in aiding respiratory function. Then solve the right problems.


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I’m afraid that I agree with RIL. This is an extraordinary emergency situation.
We need to be prepare. We are at home.
There is no hospitalisation for 1000 x day.
He is trying to push us to be prepare.
@jeremy5 Medical expert help is nessesary.

Some old explanations

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This project looks well grounded and well advanced:

"Health officials in Ireland are set to review a prototype 3D-printed ventilator next week created by an open-source hardware project started to address shortages driven by the spread of coronavirus.

“We have six prototypes that are ready to be manufactured and tested with validation by the [Health Service Executive] likely from next week," Colin Keogh, a 3D printing expert at University College Dublin and an early member of the Open Source COVID19 Medical Supplies project, told The Irish Times.


I really don’t feel like starting an argument with anyone about being proactive based on desperate situations already unfolding (Italy) but I do want to think that some people understand the potential value of being proactive, especially given what we can learn from watching the news from Italy these days (Sweden is probably next, BTW).

I also want point out that I do rely on and I do appreciate domain experts (including medical experts) just as much as anybody else. Especially under normal circumstances.

But “normal circumstances” is not what we see everywhere right now.

And experts is not always the only thing needed (depending on circumstances). Let’s start with the term “experts”. I’m an expert in breathing. I’m an expert also in knowing how important it is to be able to breath (you learn quickly if loosing your breath). I simply assume you are all experts in this field.

I also have a son who was only minutes, or seconds, away from dying due to an allergic chock resulting in his pulmonary alveolus going nonfunctional. By coincidence, or by providence, who knows which?, he was at work only a few hundred meters away from the emergency entrance of Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden when he collapsed, alone in a park outside his workplace on his way home at the other side of the park (His wife saw him collapse from their kitchen window). Doctors thought he was already gone, but the ICU team still kept on going for 45 minutes, and tides turned. Unbelievable.

Anyway, some individuals are “more experts” than others in understanding a PROBLEM, like for example hundreds of Italians not being provided such medical care (as my son) and so they are left to die. This is happening as we speak. As long as they are still conscious they understand the problem, which is my main point here. Understanding a problem. Or one of the problems.

And one of the problems is the lack of resources when the number of infected individuals explode. When, not if.

And they really do have medical experts in Italy. But we know that lack of medical experts isn’t the problem and not even a lack of awareness of a terrible problem is the biggest problem. The biggest problem is lack of solutions in the places where they are overwhelmed lacking capacity.

This problem can be solved. But only in advance, before the situation goes out of hand.

In SOME cases (but luckily not in all cases) experts, and even medical experts, tried to stop redneck solutions (patent infringement and that kind of all overshadowing important stuff).

And in yet other places the biggest problem is (but not all realize this as of yet) the lack of awareness and pro-activity while there is still time to come up with solutions.

So lets reflect on this a little bit. We all know that the medical finesse and degree of expertise consulted when there’s no other resources available except for your own bare hands and your own respiratory system is not always at the highest level when needed the most (like accidents out in the wild, a car accident or a cardiac arrest on the countryside, or whatever) but even as little resources as your bare hands can sometimes save lives.

I shouldn’t have to say this, but conventional and unconventional ways of life-saving is both taught and practiced on “different levels of sophistication”, so to speak. And one problem is that, despite even abundance of resources and expertise it also needs to be in the right place, in the right time, and in the right amount in order to be helpful.

And this is not always available everywhere it’s needed, even now, as we speak. And while I like it that there are experts working on solutions, I really don’t understand why they are doing it without sharing what parameters space to design for.

The “respiratory problem” is not about tomorrow, it’s about now.

In Italy doctor’s already decide which patients to try to keep alive and which patients to let die, in part because we still have not used our common imagination and inventive minds to create one of the simplest mechanical device that has even been designed - air pumps, with valves. People are dying as we speak. And yes, some individuals would die anyway but you wouldn’t know in advance which ones those individuals are, instead doctors have to decide which ones to let go of.

So I see absolutely no problem in regular rednecks looking for solutions (based on the understanding that there’s a problem coming) and enable using whatever they have available to try to save lives in cases when more sophisticated FDA approved devices are not available.

And even if medical staff take care of you I wouldn’t expect a whole team of exhausted ICU staff to continue try to bring you back for almost an hour after doctors think you are already gone beyond any (normal) chance of regaining functional pulmonary alveolus, which they did with my son. His wife (also into medicine) which made it to the emergency entrance at the same time as my son was brought there, told me after all the drama was over that also ICU staff can have that wild look in their eyes. Yes, they are true heroes.

Sorry for the long post.

// Rolf

However, “There’s always a solution” – Me


In my case we are at home. we can’t move.
President does not want this but Govern is trying to declare in Argentina “Site status”.

Hospitals are ok for now and open to all but there are just like hundreds of ventilators.
I do not have a 3d printer. but Bule prints o 3D modle of a ventilator is welcome!

A lot of projects are going on all over the world, here’s one of them. They want specialist to join the design work in making the final version of a very cheap device made out of commonly available material:

// Rolf

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What is a ‘regular redneck’? We have plenty of “plain ol’ rednecks” around here on the Redneck Riviera.

Regular people, I’d say.

// Rolf

So not this guy then…

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This Italian radio interview to the 3D modeler
Snorkling mask (some pieces).

A fast render of // Rolf link [] project at the state of the art right now.

Please do not print or use the prototype for medical purposes! The clinical testing process is still ahead.

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Here is a picture of the simplest sollution I could find. It’s called bagging and requires manual operation, so not sustainable for long use, but is an example of a “redneck product” gone professional.
(Note: this model is a bit more advanced since it has option for extra oxygen (I believe))


Here’s another, more clinical, proposal:

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Here, an Italian doctor of intensive care explains at the radio that
90% of the patients at intensive care die. This is in the north of Italy where there is more equipment.

Ventilators: gives very low level of success.

For molecular biologists och researchers in drug development; My son* just uploaded a project package (ready to run) on GitHub by which you can run a Probabilistic Target Profile (PTP) against the; “67 druggable human protein targets reported in [this study] to develop predictive models for them, based on binding data for those proteins in open datasets.” End of qoute.

Asking my son what this is all about, he replied, in laymans terms***: “Useful for creating machine learning models for the chemical interactions in the body which corona virus interacts with”

Due to his personal experiences in the “field of suffocating” (…) and his education in the field and tools he developed for massive data processing in drug development and machine learning (battle tested, opensource and part of the package in the download**) he has special interest in the development of protective gears and drugs battling the virus.

Similar tests**** are performed also to identify risky substances in drug development where they test, one by one, which substances binds well (or not) to target protein, and which parts of the chemical structure is contributing to the binding. So this same approach is useful also in finding out which proteins interacts with the corona virus, and how.

Spread the word to experts in the field.

// Rolf

| * Affiliated with the pharmio team at Uppsala University. (same guy I mentioned about earlier which had a close call due to allergic shock).
| ** (used also by NASA)
| *** In Swedish: “Bygga maskinlärningsmodeller för kemiska interaktioner med de proteiner i kroppen som coronavirus interagerar med.”
| ****