Copy paste object from project to a new file what template to choose for new file?

I have opened a project from a few years ago and selected an object then edit copy, launch another new instance of Rhino V5 and I now wonder do I choose large mm or medium mm or what from the always offered default templates (I had used one of them for the original project) ?
I know it was in mm, but will the copy paste do the template choosing for me or must I find out what the object came from, and if so how ?



Hi Steve, I think document properties gives you that info from the original file. —-Mark

Hi Mark,
taken a look in ‘properties’ but cant see it, where exactly does one look ?



Why not make a copy if the file and delete all objects.
Then copy object in the empty file.
Or just dont delete the ones you were intending to copy over.


sometimes rather than inherit any bugs or such that seem to be at play I find copying out sees what I am trying to do then work. Also the file was so complex, an entire aircraft build, it was too involved to find everything else and delete it, remove all unwanted layers and so on.

so still wondering does the template travel with the copy paste process ?
I know dimension styles do, as I copy paste from a file where I keep a variety I use.



Instead of copy and paste, highlight just what you want and use the File/Export Selected… option to create a new Rhino file. That will have the same attributes as the original and you don’t have to worry about choosing a template.


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Hi Jeremy,
Thats good news. Now done that.
Now I see a small part I need to add to it in another project, do I select that and ‘export selected’ it to the newly created project, as that might have a different template, being a small item I may have chosen small object mm when drawing it, and I will be perhaps bringing it into a large mm project if the export selected just now was a large mm project. The end result was a large item, an aircraft, so when making components should I be using a large mm template even when working on the individual components ?

I have copy pasted the small item in, what harm is there in adding bits in that way ?

Still wondering if it says in properties what the template had been and where ?


I’m away from a computer right now, but AFAIK the template is nothing more than a starting point for the document and doesn’t have any subsequent relationship with it.

ok, so mixing sources doesnt cause template issues then.


No, you can copy a part defined in centimetres in one model into another model defined in feet and Rhino will convert the centimetres into feet and maintain the correct size.

That is truly comforting .
I found however with the export method ortho views were as the source, but the perspective view had my object at some odd angle to the Cplane grid and floating above it. The copy paste had all 4 viewports as the source with object sitting on cplane grid.
I had to go with copy paste as couldnt figure out how to get the object in perspective back to its normal position, not in the timescale I had to work to. I must revisit it and see if I saved the original Cplane view so as to reset cplane to it, but why did that happen and differ between the two methods ?
I dont want objects doing that to me.
