I am revisiting an old definition used to produce heatmaps, but have come across one major issue I am trying to find a work-a-round for.
Basically, I have got everything to operate as I would like eg: Colouring by Z height, Histogram Colour Scale etc. but the issue I have is that I am needing it to be a triangulated colourised surface, not as a mesh. The reason being I am wanting to be able to import it to Autocad and Autocad does really support a colourised mesh.
I don’t have a method for colorizing a single surface in grasshopper, however I am interpreting this as needing surfaces per each triangular mesh face with colors from the parent mesh.
A quick idea for this is to explode the mesh into faces, average per-face color from vertices, and transfer it over to surfaces (as material) made from face boundaries: Colour by Z height v5.gh (128.8 KB)
You can also get ‘clusters’ based on your predefined color steps (I see 15) and then try to bake each cluster to a layer or group afterwards: Colour by Z height v5b.gh (145.6 KB)
Hope it helps, if I got your question correctly.
I made a quick delunay mesh because I don’t have the plugin you were using for your mesh triangulation.
Hi @René_Corella, many thanks for your advice and example work-a-round. I look forward to testing it out on a couple of past heat maps I have done to compare the results. I did see a tutorial of the baking clusters of colours, but it was for a quadmesh. Thank you again for your efforts, it is much appreciated.
Hi @René_Corella, I have tested out the custom colouring of the surfaces and it works really nicely, so thanks for your efforts. One question I had, is there a way to remove the colour clustering option for baking each set of surfaces by their assigned colour? eg: just bake all the surfaces and their colours at once.
Basically, I am trying to remove any manual steps eg: baking surfaces 10, 15, 20 times. Essentially I am trying to remove as much interfacing with Grasshopper, where all the user needs to do is set a grid of points and then bake the coloured surface.