Converting a closed mesh to a Nurb(Too many nurbs faces produced)

Hello everyone, so currently I am trying to convert my closed mesh into a Nurb. The problem is when i try to do it, it says, " this command creates about 95800 nurbs-surfaces." Naturally, I tried to reduce the mesh using the reducemesh command, but then my model will lose the detailed part that is essential for my project.

I tried to extract mesh edges from the mesh, and tried looking it in that direction but still has no idea yet on how to continue.

Are there any methods for me to try and convert the mesh to Nurbs without having to reduce the mesh, either from only the mesh edges or any other methods. I will attach the model below and hopefully it will help you guys to understand my problem.

Thanks in advance!

problem.3dm (4.2 MB)

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If I were you I would rebuild all boundaries and loft clean surfaces.


Well, I’m seeing mesh shells inside of mesh shells, soo… trying to do anything to it will be a bit of a problem.

There’s details that shouldn’t be there – imo. But I don’t know what the design intent is, soo…

Technically reverse engineering this might be possible, but…

This is the best bet, if the design intent is known.

It almost looks like an assembly of components, and not just one part? … idk.

I see, that’s an interesting explanation. This model is actually imported from Revit, hence all the craziness in the mesh. What are your opinion on reverse engineering? What steps should i begin with?

I’m really sorry for the questions, I am quite new to Rhino. :slight_smile:

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Well, depending on the design intent, if we can get a mesh that is just one “solid shell”, then some of the next steps could be much more feasible. By “shell” I don’t mean “shell shell”, I just mean “one water-tight mesh”.

I could just say that ‘original’ mesh is “dirty”, but I don’t know if it’s an assembly of more than one mesh. Or, maybe it’s just a ‘dirty’ mesh.

So, without getting a cleaner mesh, then turning it into NURBS is basically not possible in a clean sense.

I suppose I could ‘explode’ the mesh and see what happens… brb :thinking:

So, I ‘welded’ it first to about 10 deg, then exploded:

Now, it might be more manageable to ‘isolate’ different curvature areas…

Found some weird duplicate objects:

Also found some stuff that’s apparently duplicates, but Rhino can’t tell… so might have to deal with it more manually…

So, finding all the “duplicate” data is a bit tedious, but doable.

The big question later is what to do with the seemingly ‘inner core’ style geometry…