Conversion of Brep to RhinoObject

How can we do vice versa i.e. conversion of Brep to RhinoObjects?

A Brep cannot be “converted” to a Rhino object.

If you have a Brep and you want to create a Rhino object that refernces it, then add it to the document.

If you have a Rhino object and want to obtain its referenced Brep, then you can do something like this:

RhinoObject rhinoObject;
if (rhinoObject is BrepObject brepObject)
  Brep brep = brepObject.BrepGeometry;
  if (null != brep)
    // TODO...

If this doesn’t help, then please explain what you are trying to do and why.


– Dale

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thanks for your quick reply, will let you know in case of any more doubt.

if you right click on your BREP object node (assuming created from Grasshopper?) then you can just “bake” it into Rhino. Keep in mind once baked it no longer reacts to grasshopper its literally cooked at that state.