Content vs ID in User text component - how to tell Content streams apart?

While running some tests with the User text component, I noticed something interesting, which is that depending on the input, the context does or does not contain any associated attributes.

I have created a script which references curves from the rhino document. Some of these curves are baked with attributes, some are without.

If I use their ID, it takes the baked attributes from the Rhino document.

If, however, I use the Content input, it depends which Content I feed into the next User Text whether or not the attributes are also propagated:

So I was wondering, how do I tell the different Content streams apart? Their IDs are the same (at least up to the part where they are clipped), other than feeding it into the User Text component, is there any way to differentiate between the two?

You can test this script out by drawing a new curve in the Rhino document and choosing this curve’s index (last in the list). (31.7 KB)
User Text test.3dm (47.7 KB)

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