Content Cache Push Doesn't Update Material Data

Hi, I am using content cache to update the material of certain objects. However, after pushing it, the model object does not update the material till I move the object in Rhino. With a large number of objects this will become very tedious to keep track of, the changes need to appear in realtime after the push is performed.

content_cache_material.3dm (81.2 KB) (12.0 KB)

Version Details
Version 8 SR13
(8.13.24303.13001, 2024-10-29)

@scottd @AndyPayne any help with this? In this small example it doesn’t seem too big an issue but when I use multiple Content Cache Pushes, my object data is not updated and causes issues because the rhino object is not synced with grasshopper till I move it around.

In this example for instance, there is
1 - A button to change the material of an object according to an arbitrary value in its user text.
2 - A Slider to hide certain objects and show certain objects.

Because the material data is not synced, when I change the slider it reverts back to the older de-synced object. Is it possible to look into this?

As the complexity increases and there are even more Content Cache components, this would be very difficult to keep a track of.

There is an issue RH-84658 in progress.
This will be fixed on 8.14.

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RH-84658 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 14

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Thanks a lot for the quick help Rhino Team, saved me a lot of potential headaches <3

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