Container Suggestion

It would be very nice if there was an option to suppress the container name, and in fact another option to suppress the tab name for a container that has only one tab in it.

Screen real estate is very valuable, especially if you are on the road and working on a tiny laptop screen to get some project done. Those pixels that make up the title bar of the container take up an ENORMOUS amount of space on a laptop screen It would be much cleaner to leave the container name off… so maybe some people want the names… so make checkmark options in properties of the container.

I also prefer the smallest possible floating toolbars and lots of them that I bring in close to where I am working as needed… as opposed to one giant floating window with a lot of tabs and confusion. I put them very close to where I am working to minimize how far I need to move the mouse to hit a button… if the floating window is too big, it defeats the whole purpose… having just one giant window floating window with 20 tabs in it is nearly useless… the purpose of floating toolbars is to get the individual buttons near where you are working so you don’t need to do a lot of mouse work to select a repetitive function. If you need to change tabs and move your mouse across something that is 800 pixels wide… and the window itself is covering up half your model, then it doesn’t help much.

If you suppress the name, you can still have multiple tabs like the top tool bar… and put the gear and the X off to the side of the tabs… just like V7
If you suppress both the container name and the tab names, then stick the gear and the X inside the window with the other icons.
I really can’t think of why I ever need to see the name of the container. I can see what it is by the tabs, or just by the buttons.

As you can see in my examples below, it’s kind of silly when you only have one tab… so I have Surface Tools Surface Tools… It doesn’t need to be said twice… and it doesn’t need to hog up my workspace.
Also notice how small I like my “Box” toolbar in V7. I don’t need it to say anything, I can see it’s Box by the icons… but V8 will not let me make any smaller than it is shown.

I really wish I would just put a floating single button not even in a window… no container, no toolbar, nothing, just a button I can drag around and use when I need it… Yes this is backwards of the direction containers is going… containers wants you to have lots of tabs with lots of buttons in each tab and fewer floating windows… but there are many times I just want one single button near where I am working and don’t want anything else on my entire screen at all.



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Hi James -
I think this is covered by RH-71568 Single toolbar dragged on canvas container name should be removed


yes - please consider a usage on a 15 or 16 zoll laptop monitor.
All my students work like this.

not everybody sits infront of 2 x 27 zoll…

And another
for an option to get a “condensed” version of the interface.
this should not only work on the title-bar,
but also influence padding in dialogs, in the properties panel, in the layer panel …