Constraint NON (yet) OFFICIAL toolbar proposal

Hi everyone,
I found my self more confident practicing the new constraint by having them on a proper toolbar instead of using the shortcuts.

I like to share my toolbar here and get feedbacks for improve, and speed up, the development process of this new features.

I made some customization/changes on the user process:

  1. the Length icon creates a Aligned Driving Dimension
  2. the Angle icon creates an Angle Driving Dimension
  3. the LengthConstraint and AngleConstraint are available as RMB
  4. The “On curve” icons are limited to work on Line only.
  5. I re-organized the icon in a more logical way

This is the toolbar:
Wip8_constraint toolbar

download it here:
V8_constraints.rui (199.6 KB)

  1. pay attention this is based on WIP software so the tools may stop working.
  2. The WIP 8 shows some bugs on SVG icons so the icons may disappear.

@skysurfer did you happen to update it to include all new constraints since then?

Unfortunately not yet.
Things are changing a lot and fast and mcneel is working on the official one.