If I load my gh-file to shapediver up, I will see to much computation time! I see in grasshopper the computation time for single steps; like “solid union” Could i see the whole computation time with that gh-file before uploading to shapediver also in my grasshopper?
For models with long computation times, the total is displayed at the bottom of the Grasshopper canvas:
However, this number is not displayed typically for fast computations. You can also install the Metahopper plugin which gives you a list of computation times for all components and gives you an idea of the total.
We are also planning to add profiling tools giving more detailed statistics about these metrics that are crucial for ShapeDiver usage.
Metahopper means about 6 sec - Shapediver-Upload means about 21 sec
Computation times can depend strongly on tolerance settings of the document. Consider using the Tolerance Settings component in your definition (please read the article carefully, as this component has a non-standard behaviour).
Additionally, keep in mind that more operations happen on the ShapeDiver servers than on your local machine. In particular, displayed geometry in the form of Breps and Surfaces needs to be converted to meshes (again more or less refined depending on tolerance settings). Make sure to check what is displayed and consider meshing display geometry manually for better visualization control. I recommend paying close attention to this article: Display