I’m currently in the proces of doing a 2 rail sweep on a rather complex part. And so far I’m not satisfied with the result. I was wondering if anyone would be able to do a better job.
In the end a history enabled Sweep2, followed by dragging the curve control points in ControlPolygon DragMode was the perfect solution to this problem.
MergeEdge on the short edges at the end of the sweep.
DupEdge there and select the curve.
Start -Rebuild, with a dash in front. At the command line choose ‘SelectMasterCurve’. Select one of the nice cross section curves you have in place. DeleteInput = Yes. The effect of this is to make that curve match the structure of the clean curves you have. This allows the sweep to be much cleaner.
Sweep2 asking for curvature continuity along both edges.
Sorry to bring this to the surface again but I have a question. In the image attached: A is how the original 2 rail sweep looked (isoparms); B is how it looked after deleting the rail extrude,merging both rails, splitting in the same place and re-extrude; C shows the nasty bulge that results. Does splitting an edge then merging it change the surface? I haven’t noticed this before.