I have two meshes that I generated in grasshopper. I believe that the vertices are coincident, but I am not sure. Is there a way I can check this? And if they are not coincident a good way to fix this issue? When I try to boolean them in Rhino they disappear which makes me suspicious and when I join them it is alright. I believe I am missing something.
What I did: _Join the 2 meshes and run _ShowEdges command.
It shows that most edges are OK yet there are some ‘orphan’ vertices in the blue mesh that have no opposite in the gray mesh.
Another way would be to DupBorder corresponding meshes and then on the corresponding border curves, use ExtractPt. Then run SelDupAll and Delete, any remaining points will show you where a an unmatched mesh vertex is.
You can run MatchMeshEdge on the two unjoined meshes to match them. I’m not sure which of the two gets adjusted in this case, or both, though.
Yep, Join, MatchMeshEdge will insert the required vertices. I always run Check after this, it can in some cases, not here it looks like, introduce other problems.
Is there any reason why someone joining two meshes would NOT want to MatchMeshEdge? Seems that it should be the default behavior of Join when applied to meshes.
Whoa! I just tried it on 2 simple mesh plains and it made a mesh mess!