CNC furniture generator rhino plugin

I have developed a grasshopper definition which takes 2d curves with some additional “setUserText” parameters and outputs a 3d version of ‘cnc-able’ furniture.

I would like for other people to use this definition, but I don’t want to share it as a *.GH file.

So I would like to develop a Rhino Plugin that sends the required layers → send it to my server → compute it with my *.GH file → Send back BREPS to the client.

How would I go around developing this?

I have attached an exaple of what the Input and Output from my definition is.

IO example.3dm (12.7 MB)

The input geometry.

Example of the output.

I am not looking for the path of least development. :slight_smile: I am very familiar with ShapeDiver. I am thinking that it would be possible using Rhino.Compute