Closed curves and terraces

Hello, i’m encoutring few problems as i’m modeling this site.
My site has hills, and roads that go along the hill i offsetted the road edges all over the site, and once i tried making the surface of the sidewalks to extrude it it told me that the curves that i offsetted were not closed. when i tried closing them with close curve and join ( odd lines came out ).
Second, i want to make terraces on the hill surface, with a 3m height, and i don’t know how ( starting from curve lines ).
Third: i have a curve that represents a river on my site, as i was trying to offset it and make it down the terrain with 2m depth, and inclined walls. the surface of the river couldnt be deleted after that.

Hi Rosa,

  1. To create the sidewalk surface, you can simply run the _lapath command (path object in the hardscape category of Lands). A closed curve is not necessary. Just define the path axis and, if desired, the profile.
  2. Once the terrain is generated (or imported), you can use the cut&fill command. Select a closed curve for the terrace, but please keep in mind that the terrace will be created at the elevation of the original closed curve you placed.
  3. We need to review how you generated the river, including the tool and command you used. There are several methods, depending on the approach. Could you please send the 3dm file to