Quite a straightforward question, is it possible to open a circular Detail view? (instead of a rectiline one?). That would be very useful as I am dealing with scaling management and quite a few drawings [especially layout where I’d like to have a general perspective (rectangle detail view is all good for that) and a zoom on it (meaning a different scale, and a rounded detail view…)]. The only solution I have figured out so far is to duplicate my first drawing, scale it, draw a circle and trim the outside lines, then making a layout of both in one detail view.
I created a copy of the Make2D curves in the model space, used a circle to trim, then used that in the viewport of my paper space. Seems a bit quicker than the “negative space hatch method”.
i dont often say that, not a big fan of bringing ideas and hopes to the ground… but besides V8 being in a wild state of a constant construction site currently, there really are more important things to have, these kind of artistic special editions if you really need your details in a shape other than square can also be done in something more artistic like illustrator or whatnot.