Circle packing on a half sphere with a hole

Hello !

I have been very happy to learn on that project with you all and I have one more question about this same file.
I wanted to use the “Grab” component to move some of the circles from their “default” position but I don’t know if I am using it in a wrong way, but it’s not working (see image below).

I tried to connect the Grab component to the Entwine component just before the Kangaroo Solver but I cannot move circles by hand. I was looking at was has been done in that post : KANGAROO2 Circle Packing - Different sized circles
And here : Kangaroo2 grab and lock function.

Do I have to insert something in the C# Script component to make the Grab component work ?
There is the file just here :
Parametric (32.4 KB)

Thank you very much for your response and your time !