Changing Family Parameters while editing the family

I have a family with 40+ types. I added a new yes/no parameter to the family, and I want the parameter to be unchecked by default. I don’t want to go through every type and uncheck the parameter. While editing the family, I can not figure out how to query the parameter, and change the value for all types in the family.

Is it possible to query all the types in a family, while editing that family, and change the value of a parameter for all of those types?

Hi Liam,

The easiest way to do this is in the Project.

Change all the Types of the Families at once, then open the Family and save to your Family Library. (7.4 KB)

Hi Japhy,

I’m sorry, I forgot to mention that the parameter in question is an instance parameter. When I change it in the project, and then try and open the family, the default in the family is not what is chosen in the project.

Change your instance parameter to a Type Parameter, push into a blank project, change all Type 40 values, then change it back to Instance.

Ah. Great. Thank you!