Hi guys,
Is there a way that I can select my revit text and change the value and the sequence?
Hi guys,
Is there a way that I can select my revit text and change the value and the sequence?
Hi @Joel_Ocampo,
this is how I would do it, from what I understand from your description.
Initially I have “Test 1”, “Test 2” and “Test 3”:
And then I modify it to “Test A”, Test B" and “Test C”.
However, you will need to work out a logic to modify your texts, because here I created a very simple one , and this depends on what you need for your file. It could be replacing parts of the text or directly modify all of them.
You could also use this to replace parts of the text.
Change Revit Text.gh (14.6 KB)
Also, what do you mean by the sequence?