Change the order of a list of points

Hi sorry for the very newb question.

But could anyone tell me, how to change the order, of a list of points?
I would like to create a polyline that goes from point to point in a particular order.

But instead of going in the order shown, goes from point 0 to 2,3,4,1, for example

Point (4.1 KB)

Not at my computer but first thing I’d try would be a circle fit through all five points. If that doesn’t work, I’d try something with a convex hull

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Point (9.3 KB)

Point (7.7 KB)


Thanks Joseph & Martin

Yes that works great for this example
But what if you didn’t want it to go in a radial pattern?
Say you wanted to go from 0 to 3 to 1,2,4… for example
Is there not just a way to manually re-order the list?


Of course there is. You can replace the Series component in this version with a text panel list of point indices.

Point (6.9 KB)

Ah ok, that worked great!
Something like this:

Thanks Joseph!