Change references of C# script components automatically using the API


We have a challenge, it is hard for normal user which just runs scripts that someone else (developer) does, to change the dependency library locations from the “Script Components” which exist in that script they are trying to run.

We want to make a simple script which would run through all these Script components in the canvas and change the references automatically inside those, so that the normal users do not need to do that themselves.

For example, if I created a Script Component using the Tekla Structures API, and I have referenced Tekla 2020, but now the normal user wants to use Tekla2023, this scrip will automatically change all the Tekla references from all the Script Component from Tekla 2020 to Tekla 2023.

Any idea how this could be achieved with the API?

Hey guys, Any ideas how this could be solved using the API?

Change Ref (12.3 KB)
Give You :slight_smile: