Change default continuous linetype options

Is there a way to make the default “Continuous” linetype have flat caps?

if you use rhino8 you can open document properties

Huh. You’d think I’d have tried that. :face_with_peeking_eye:

Hello- as far as I can see there is not. The best that comes to mind is to make a new template file with all layers using a new linetype that you like - but this would only be of limited use, as is.

You can try a little script like so, with your modified line type name filled in.

! _-RunPythonScript (
import scriptcontext as sc
import Rhino

name = "Continuous 01"
layers = sc.doc.Layers
idx = layers.Add()
layer = layers[idx]

linetypes = sc.doc.Linetypes
typeIdx = linetypes.Find(name)

if typeIdx:
    layer.LinetypeIndex = typeIdx


Ah, thanks, @pascal - I was going to go double check back at the computer to see if those options were indeed greyed out, but assumed I had just made a brainless blunder and not checked that out before, as @Astrid_Kjærbølling suggested I do. Marked as Solved.