Can't Snap to Point

Hello Rhino Forum,

I am doing an exercise from the rhino level 1 training guide.

I want to snap to the intersection of two yellow lines in the middle of the rectangle. Unfortunately, no matter what osnap mode I turn on, it won’t snap to the intersection.

I have noticed that the locations on the curved that I can snap to seem to be (a little) thicker yellow lines.

What am I doing wrong?

You’re doing nothing wrong. These lines running across the surface are isocurves, and not actual geometry. You can convert it into geometry if needed with _ExtractWireframe, then End and Intersect Osnaps should work

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Yea, that worked, thank you very much! The part of the intenet where I can ask a technical question and usually get a good answer from someone I have never met before is extremely nice! :smile:

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Hello - Intersection OSnaps will find isocurve intersections if the selection is constrsined to the surface - this can happen automatically in a command that uses a surface as input, as in InsertKnot but you can force it with the OnSrf one-shot OSnap combined with Int.


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Thank you very much for your recommendation @pascal. I wasn’t familiar with “OnSrf” and “one-shot Osnap” but it seems that snapping to ISO curve intersections works fine with only using “OnSrf”, no need to combine it with one-shot OSnap + Int.