I try to create a complex surface/volume using a combination of sweep rails and curve network commands but can’t get a result! I used the curves shown in the attached file as profile or as curves network (for the rounded part). Can anyone tell me how to proceed ? What would be the best way to do it?
Thanks a lot for your answer. That’s what I was looking for. I can always modify the surface… Did you use both sweep rail and curves network? So you worked around using segment by segment?
No, I mean simple ‘clean’ ones and very dense ones - curves that do not match one another well in structure. Some surfacing commands much prefer matched curves - Loft, EdgeSrf, Sweep2 (Cross sections) and some do not care so much - NetworkSrf, PlanarSrf, Patch, for example.
Well the simple way out is to Rebuild curves to the same degree and point count - but to be honest in this case, I would not worry too much since Network seems to manage OK with them as they are. Note some commands have Rebuild built into the process as an option - if selected the input curves are rebuilt to the point count the user chooses and degree 3 before a surface is made from them. Rebuilding always modifies the curve shape - a little or a lot, depending.