Cannot Install Kangaroo 2.5.3 plugin

Can anyone help me, I’ve been trying to install kangaroo 2.5.3 for rhino 6, where should I go to download the plugin? I’ve searched in food4rhino but it didn’t work, Thank you!

I checked my Rhino 6 folder, which is up to date for that version, and Kangaroo 2 there is version 2.5.2. So I suspect you have to be on Rhino 7 or 8 to use 2.5.3.

Kangaroo 2 ships with Grasshopper, so the later versions aren’t needed on Food4Rhino.

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ah okay, if I understand correctly, I still can use kangaroo 2 on rhino 6 but the 2.5.2 version, no? do you know where can I get it? thank you so much Jeremy!

As I said, it comes with Rhino 6 so you should have it. Check your Rhino version on the splash screen: if it is less than 6.35 then use the Check for Updates page under the Help menu to bring it up to date.

If you are up to date then you should find Kangaroo2Component.gha and KangarooSolver.dll in the %ProgramFiles%\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\Grasshopper\Components folder. (This is different from the location where you install optional plug-ins.)

If you have those files, run Grasshopper and go into Preferences. On the Solver tab, check that you have an entry for Kangaroo2 Components and that it has an open padlock icon against it.

If you don’t have the Kangaroo files, then you probably need to go into Windows and repair Rhino from its installer.

Hi Jeremy, I have checked and I do have those files, but I dont know why grasshopper cannot read it. Can you help me with this?

Hi Callista,

Please post a screenshot of your Grasshopper ribbon, as highlighted here:


So sorry for late reply, here is the pic ! Thank youu

No problem. And a screenshot after you click on the Kangaroo tab?

Here you go!

Which version of Rhino 6 are you running?
You can find this under Help>About Rhinoceros
it should look something like

Version 6 SR35
(6.35.21222.17001, 10/08/2021)

Version 6 SR29
(6.29.20238.11501, 08/25/2020)

Thank youu

That’s your issue then. Try updating to the current service release.
Help>Check for updates

Ahh got it.Thankyouu !