Camera rotation jumps out of center

I can clearly notice that, when I zoom and rotate around an object the camera jumps somewhere else after a while and the object is not centered in the view anymore. It doesn’t behave at all like R5.

I noticed this too, Rhino loses the target much more quickly sometimes just one scroll of the middle mouse loses the object even if you have the pointer centered on it. I think they are still tuning viewing and are working on ironing out the bugs.

Under Options -> View, is “Auto adjust camera target after Pan and Zoom” checked? If it is, do you get more expected behavior with it not checked?


Hi Sam!
Yes, Auto adjust camera target after Pan and Zoom was checked.
I unchecked and the problem is gone!


Thanks Sam didn’t see that before, I’ll see if unchecking that helps.

HMMMM… i am still seeing this… with either checked or unchecked on the auto adjust option…

Version 8
(8.0.23304.9001, 2023-10-31)

also… when zoomed in… using spaceball… spin center gets a little off… or tight… seems like rhino is unsure of my rotation direction… the view rotation gets “stiff”…strange… i explain it that way … because its almost like you can feel it… odd behavior… never a problem in any prev release… 3, 4, 5, 6, 7…its like sometimes the spin center gets moved behind your head… and im not talking about those times where extreme zooms can flip direction… this is something different…

its like… when i rotate… and then pass a certain point… its as if it doesnt want my component to rotate past my face… or as if it was preventing the part from slapping me in the face as if in the real world… hard to describe…

input just stops responding… like forcing me to go back in the other direction…

3d connexion spacemouse pro


its like this motion is stiff… and causes strange motions… running 7 and 6 in parallel… and no problems…

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