C# Create multiple panels: ID already in use?

Dear community,

I tried to make and load two variants of the C# plugin SampleCsPanel created by Dale Fugier. Both of them work fine, but not at the same time. I have to unload the one when wanting to use the other. The reason is that I get the error: Unable to load plugin: ID already in use.

In the code, I found three GUID strings. I changed these (quite randomly I admit) and still get the same error when trying to load both…

So can anyone point me to a reference or explanation about using these ID’s and some best practices about using them when creating C# plugins for Rhino?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

Filip Rooms

Did you change the Guid’s in the AssemblyInfo?

Dear Jordy1989,

Yes, I did try this (already showed in my initial search for “GUID” in Visual Studio), but that did not solve the issue…

Kind regards,


Instead of copying the project and manually editing uuids, it might be easier to just run the project wizard (in Visual Studio) again…

Or copy from 1 panel plugin to the other so you have 1 plugin with 2 panels. :slight_smile: