It seems bump maps dont show up in artic mode or any mode with ambient occlusion turned on. Is this a feature or a bug?
Rendered mode
AO mode
It seems bump maps dont show up in artic mode or any mode with ambient occlusion turned on. Is this a feature or a bug?
Rendered mode
AO mode
No that doesnt do it but thanks. It seems that when using ambient occlusion as your lighting source bumps dont show up.
Hi Scott
Not sure what the intent is and how manual you want to be with it, but, if you go to shading settings in the Arctic display mode, you can set colour and material to “Rendering Material”.
If you create a duplicate material that only has a bump map (no diffuse / colour texture) this will show up on the object you apply it to. Any object with default material assigned will look as expected in Arctic.
There is also this line in the Display Modes help page - under rendered. It didn’t seem to help when ticked in normal arctic mode.
Hope this helps.
Thank you Stuart Ill give it a shot.
Yeah still not working. In version 7 or 8 . It appears that in any viewport mode when you change the scene lighting to ambient occlusion the texture disappears.
Are you using the Mac version? Im on windows.
I am on Mac, but I just logged on to my work pc to test and I can recreate there. I think the problem is that there is no contrast for the bump map; the light colour is white and the material is white. Try changing the material colour to 50% grey, and increase the reflectivity and reflection polish to 100%.
I’m not sure why the texture shows up and not the bump. In your display mode settings, do you have “Use Advanced GPU Lighting” ticked?
Changing the reflectivity was the issue. As soon as I adjusted that it showed up. Thank you Stuart. I suppose displacement would be another work around .
Note that displacement requires dense geometry - it is not the best if you’re looking for just the visual effect. Especially the PBR displacement in material is pretty tough to get well.
Yeah thats why I was trying to find a bump solution. Displacement is nice but taxing. I Wonder if there is a work around like Modo has called “displacement as bump” .
Not that I am aware of.