Bug (?) with ExtendSrf

Hi there,

I wish to report what looks like a bug with the function ExtendSrf.

Here is a very basic file: buggy-polysurface.3dm (135.2 KB)

Steps to reproduce the bug:

  1. Use ShowEdges, find that the edge between the two faces is closed.

  1. Use ExtendSrf on the end of one of the faces

  1. The edge between the two faces is now open, for no apparent reason.

If it’s not a bug, I would appreciate if somebody could explain why this is happening.

Rhino version: Rhino 7 SR21 2022-7-27 (Rhino 7, 7.21.22208.13001, Git hash:master @ c31aea87137a5d0de449338a7ef6856f49dd4797)

Hi Felix, thanks, that looks buggy to me.

RH-70192 ExtendSrf: Extra nakeds


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