i believe somewhere below should be a pause button to pause the rendering.
clicking on it makes it disappear, but it actually should fade out no?
i believe somewhere below should be a pause button to pause the rendering.
clicking on it makes it disappear, but it actually should fade out no?
still happening
IMO, the command feedback popup was a failed attempt at getting the command feedback to display somewhere in the viewport, because the space for it had been eaten by the other statusbar info.
In the default layout this is now replaced by a command history panel with height of 1 row.
I think the fact that the info stays is not the issue, but the placing. In Rhino 7 this info was persistent, but less in your face. I think the current solution is still not ideal however, especially since there is still the scrolling bug in that panel.
hm yes checking v7 that was permanent but less intrusive. i honestly dont mind it to be afloat now, but if you could set the show time that would be great. right now it just stays there forever till you do something different, which is actually fine for everything else since you would click or do something else anyway right after that, just for switching to raytraced its in the way, and actually really just for that.
since we are unfolding this once again… the screen real estate is for me personally a real issue, it has not been great in v7 and it is not much greater in v8, i can see that some thoughts have been made but the process ends always more in an alibi instead of a real thorough investigation in my opinion.
for now putting that info there where the infos are cycling here seen on nr 1. which i never use and have only enabled now for this purpose, having the feedback show there would be really good. or at least next to it on nr. 2
then we also have the waisted area marked yellow, from the views marked blue, i would send these without background transparent freely floating either on top of the screen like in v7 but without that bar, or leave it there but also transparent and eliminate that here marked yellow area which does not serve any purpose right now and is just a darker bar for nothing. you could then also argue if displaying the feedback here at nr.3 for instance
eliminating the bar for the views would be really good. less clutter more real estate, gives it more a contemporary feeling also.
here for reference, the darker bar next to the views is unused now.
You have an exceptionally wide display, and so the lost space is much greater than average.
The floating display of the views would be nice if everyone worked in single viewport mode. But where will that end up in 4 view mode?
I agree that the scrolling info is not very useful, I hardly ever used anything from that panel, but the place there is the first to be cut off when the Rhino Window is scaled down.
The information therefore needs to be aligned left somewhere.
For now the best solution I think is to have the command history open, either in the sidebar or as a separate bar, like in the default layout.
that may look like that on the cropped screenshot, in fact its less wide than the average monitor since i have a monitor with a very seldom/probably the only monitor with a retro 3:2 proportion, it has 4k but is set to 2304x1536 so the ui is a little smaller, so in fact exceptionally normal i guess.
but even if i make it smaller it still leaves those marked areas open/cluttered
there is an easy solution. why would one need that bar at all in 4 view? since all 4 views have a dedicated field which displays the view already that field just makes it double. also i personally never ever ever click on these. but if people are accustomed to it there could be a much smarter and cleaner way if you just not display it at all in 4 view additionally while in single view have it clean and beautifully floating.