BUG? Save toolbar, export RUI don't save / randomly remove info

When I create custom macros and put them in a custom toolbar and then save the toolbar or export the rui (what’s the difference between those two options???), the resulting file has lots of missing info. The command is often removed or one or more of the text fields have been deleted or had the text changed (like the text from one text field will be copied into the other textfields). By text fields, I’m referring to name, tooltip, menu text, button text, help text. And it seems random, how many and which buttons it will do this to.

Also, I think I have to delete the original file in order for it to actually update the file (less sure about this, tho).

I finally had to start editing the rui files (xml) manually in notepad++.

Also, is there like a more direct way to report potential bugs? This is meant to be a bug report.

This is the right place. As I said in your other post, there are a lot of problems with saving .rui files currently. @stevebaer is actively working on them - I have sent in some examples.

Yes, this sounds like the typical symptoms I saw with versions 8.4 and earlier, with 8.5 in my case anyway, the macros etc. seem to remain intact after a save, but most of the images are lost. The container properties are always reset to image-only. You may be experiencing different symptoms though, they might vary for different .rui’s, I don’t really know.

Bottom line is, once you have the .rui set up the way you want, I would try setting it to read-only temporarily and see if that doesn’t stabilize it.

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Thanks for the replies. Makes me feel better. By set to read-only, do you mean like through the OS itself (like we’re not talking about a property in Rhino, right?)

Yes, via Windows file properties.

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