Bug: Rendermode does not Update change of Material Colour anymore

ok can somebody tell me what is going on, rhino is acting up so messed up recently, more and more bugs are coming in it is frustrating non stop.

Rendermode does not Update change of Material Colour anymore:
though it renders fine and it shows in the material panel but the preview in rendermode is stuck.

edit: after newstart that hick up is gone. but it was still there.

I have been able to repro, showed it to @maxsoder . It appears to have to do with undoing.

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In the end it was quite easy to reproduce the problem.

I created a YT for this with steps to reproduce. https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-85860/Material-duplicate-and-undo-breaks-the-material.


The fix for this was so simple, yet causing so much bad that I made it to 8.16. So tomorrow or on Sunday one can download the new 8.16 build and this should work.

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oh lala… you are becoming my favourite McNeel Staff, but psst dont tell @nathanletwory :smiley:

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