BUG - RADIUS/DIAMETER doesn't work with SectionTools drawing

@rajaa I started working with the Clipping Section (ex Section tools) and I found a big issue:
When I do the section drawing I can’t use the Radius/Diameter to put dimesions on the drawing.

Radius/Diameter work by selecting the geometry (arc, circles) in order to find the center and value but because the section drawing are on a LOCKED layer the selection won’t work.

This is a big issue for a beginner that expect all the dimensions to work the same way on the drawing no matter if a linear or radius.

Of course also Curve Lenght doesn’t work. Curve Lenght could be very useful for CNC or architect.

This bug it may relate to this RH-85127


The issue is simply as you stated: the layers are locked.

Ok, but the Osnap works (Cen, Tan, Perp etc.) also if is on locked geometry so I’m expecting that Dimension also works.

Is the diemsions selection different from Osnap? Could it work the same?